For more than 15 years, Global Aging Consulting has supervised numerous market studies on the Seniors and the Silver Economy.
Global Aging Consulting focuses on researching high-level information directly with decision-makers and actors : users, prescribers, manufacturers, funders, experts, distributors …
The analyzes carried out are therefore based on a detailed knowledge of the Senior marketing worldwide and many countries and not on extrapolations of data from theoretical models often false due to the complexity of the subject.
Our experience has allowed us to develop proprietary methodologies and matrices such as: Com / GI matrices, tangency, generations / ages, Global Aging System mapping …
We are the consultancy firm which has conductedd on the largest number of studies on the Senior market and the Silver Economy in Europe. With the Global Aging times network, we cover the vast majority of aging countries in the world.
Why a specialized agency to carry out a study on Seniors?
The subject of the Senior market is very complex and the experience allows to better design and analyze the results of studies. Failures are numerous and are often due to poor analysis, including potential, missing of critical factors.
We carry out several types of market research
. Economic study
. Qualitative study
. Quantitative study
. Panels